How to Fix Netflix Error Code UI-800-3-*Easy Steps*

This is a very minor error, but you should also know about it, otherwise, you will not be able to solve it. The Netflix Error Code UI-800-3 means that the information stored on your device needs to be refreshed and you can correct this error very easily.

There are some common things you can do to remove this Netflix Error Code ui-800-3 such as restart your device, clearing the Netflix app data, Reinstall the Netflix app, and etc.

How to Fix Netflix Error Code UI-800-3
How to Fix Netflix Error Code UI-800-3

Fix Netflix Error Code UI-800-3 For All Devices

This issue can appear on any of your devices. You can fix Netflix error code ui-800-3 by following different steps in each device.

Before sharing the solution, we want to let you know that you can install Netflix on any internet-related device and operating system including Android, iOS, Amazon Fire TV, Firestick, Roku, Smart TV, Blu-ray Player, Nintendo Wii U, Play Station 3, Play Station 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows, and more.

Now we talk about the solutions that you can do to get rid of this error “Netflix Code UI 800 3”. So to resolve this problem, follow the troubleshooting steps for your device.

Fix Error UI 800 3 on Amazon Fire TV or Firestick

All the users who use Fire Stick or Fire TV and suffer from the issue of Netflix Error Code UI 800 3 then follow these instructions.

Step One: Restart your device

  1. Tap the Home button from your Firestick remote
  2. After that select Settings
  3. Then tap My Fire TV
  4. After that click Restart
  5. Then try open the Netflix app again

Sometimes, the error corrects only after doing so. But, if it doesn’t then pay attention to the steps ahead.

Step Two: Sign out of the Netflix app– You can easily Sign out from Netflix. If you are still on the error screen, then select More Details. or From the Netflix home screen, tap Settings. On the Sign out page, click Reset or Sign out or deactivate. After Sign out, Sign in again and try Netflix again.

Step Three: Clear the Netflix app data and cache

  1. Tap the Home button from your Amazon Fire Stick remote
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Applications
  4. Tap Manage Installed Applications
  5. Find and Select the Netflix app
  6. Select Clear Data
  7. Tap Clear Data again for clearing
  8. After that select Clear Cache

After following these 8 steps, remember one thing, you should unplug your firestick from power for half a minute then plugin and try Netflix again.

Step Four: Uninstall the Netflix app

  1. Tap the Home button from your Amazon Fire TV Stick remote
  2. Click Settings option
  3. Click Applications
  4. Tap Manage All Installed Applications
  5. Select Netflix app
  6. Click Uninstall

Step Five: Reinstall the Netflix app

  1. Go to the Home Page of your Firestick device and select Search
  2. Type Netflix or use your Alexa voice remote
  3. Then click Netflix from the appearing list
  4. After that select Netflix again
  5. Then click Get (Download) option
  6. Once downloading complete, Open it
  7. Sign in to Netflix with your Email Id and Password

After following all these steps, check that your Netflix Error Code UI-800-3 has been fixed.

Steps to Fix Netflix Error Code UI-800-3 on Roku

All users who use Roku Stick or Roku TV and experiencing the Netflix Error UI 800 3 follow the information below for a solution.

Step One: Restart your Roku device

  1. Go to the Home Page and select Settings
  2. Scroll down your cursor and select System
  3. Then scroll down again and select System Restart
  4. After that select Restart

After following these steps, your device will shut off and restart automatically. You can Restart your Roku Player in another way, which we are sharing below.

  1. Unplug your device from power for few seconds
  2. And Plug again
  3. Then Turn on your Roku device
  4. Wait a minute after Turn your Roku on
  5. After that try the Netflix app again

If you need to do more to resolve the “Netflix Error Code UI-800-3” after doing this, then proceed.

Step Two: Sign Out of Netflix application-If your error does not go away after following Step one, try this also.

Look it is very easy to sign out Netflix on Roku. But we don’t know which model of this device you are using. So according to your model, you have to follow different steps, for which Click Here. After visiting this link go down and select Sign out of Netflix and select your Roku generation.

Step Three: Restart your Wifi Router

  1. Turn off your Roku Player and Unplug
  2. Unplug your modem and wireless router for half a minute
  3. Plugin your router and wait
  4. Turn on your Roku and try Netflix again

Even after doing all this, if this error is not corrected, contact the manufacturer of the router.

How to solve Netflix Error UI-800-3 on Xbox 360 and Xbox One?

Solving the Netflix Error Code UI-800-3 on Xbox 360 and Xbox One is very easy. Carefully read the information below for a solution.

Step First: Sign Out of Netflix- Sign out of Netflix is very easy on both. However, we will tell you how you will sign out on the Xbox One and Xbox 360.

Sign out of Netflix on Xbox 360

  1. Go to the Netflix app, tap the red B button on the Xbox 360 controller
  2.  Select the gear icon on the right
  3. After that tap Sign out
  4. Then select Yes
  5. Sign in again, try Netflix

Sign out of Netflix on Xbox One

  1. In the Netflix app, tap the red B button on Xbox One
  2. Go to the bottom of the menu and tap Gel Help, then Sign Out
  3. Tap Yes to confirm
  4. Sign in, try Netflix again

Step 2: Uninstall and Reinstall the Netflix- If the error is not removed even after following the above instructions, then move ahead.

Uninstall Netflix on Xbox 360

  1. Go to the Xbox Dashboard first
  2. Then select Apps
  3. After that select My Apps
  4. Highlight the Netflix app
  5. Tap the X button for app details
  6. Click Delete and Yes to confirm

Uninstall Netflix on Xbox One

  1. Go to the Xbox Dashboard first
  2. Tap on My Games and Apps
  3. Select Apps
  4. Highlight the Netflix app and select the Menu button
  5. Tap Manage App
  6. Click Uninstall All
  7. Tap Uninstall All again

Reinstall Netflix on Xbox 360

  1. Go to the Xbox 360 Dashboard
  2. Tap Apps
  3. Select Netflix App to download
  4. After downloading the app, Sign in and try Netflix again

Reinstall Netflix on Xbox One

  1. Go to the Xbox 360 Home Page
  2. Go to the right side to select Store
  3. Select Apps
  4. Then select Netflix
  5. After that Tap Install
  6. Once the app installed, Sign in and try Netflix again

Even after doing so, if there is an error, then go ahead.

Step 3: Confirm your Xbox 360 & Xbox One DNS settings

Xbox 360 DNS Settings

  1. Tap the Guide option from the controller
  2. Select Settings
  3. Then select System Settings
  4. Select Network Settings
  5. Select your Network and Configure Network
  6. Tap on DNS Settings and select Automatic
  7. Now turn off your Xbox 360 and Turn on
  8. Then Try Netflix again

Xbox One DNS Settings

  1. First, Open the Guide option
  2. Choose Settings from the Profile & System option
  3. After that select General
  4. Select Networking Settings
  5. Click Advanced Settings
  6. Select DNS Settings
  7. Click Automatic

How to resolve the Netflix Error Code UI-800-3 on Smart TV

Smart TV users can also overcome this error very easily. Just you have to follow some instructions.

First Step: Restart your Smart TV

  1. Unplug your Smart TV from power for a while
  2. To discharge it, press and hold the power button for 5 seconds, if not, leave it unplugged for 3 minutes
  3. Now Plugin your TV and Turn on
  4. Try Netflix again

Step Two: Sign Out of Netflix: If the error is not removed, continue further steps.

  1. If there is an error, select More Info or More Details / Select Settings option or Gear Icon from Netflix Home Page / On another screen enter these keys on your remote: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up
  2. Select Reset from the Netflix Sign Out Page, otherwise, Click Sign out or deactivate
  3. After Sign Out from Netflix, Sign in and try Netflix again

Step Three: Restart your Home Network

  1. Turn Off your Smart TV and Unplug it
  2. Unplug your modem and router for half a minute
  3. Plugin your modem and router after 30 seconds
  4. Turn on your Smart TV
  5. Try Netflix again

Step Four: Increase Wifi Signal Strength

Even after doing so, the error appears, then contact your Internet Service Provider.

How to Fix Netflix Error Code UI-800-3 on Nintendo Wii U

`You can also watch Netflix on Nintendo Switch. This is a game console on which we can stream all programs of entertainment with the help of the best streaming apps

If you are also facing the Netflix Error UI 800 3 on your Nintendo Wii U then follow the given steps.

Sign Out and Sign in of Netflix: Follow the steps below to Sign Out and Sign In to Netflix on Nintendo Wii U.

  1. Go to the Netflix Home Screen
  2. Select Settings option
  3. Click Sign Out
  4. Select Yes
  5. After Sign out, Sign in, and try Netflix again

Similarly, this issue may appear on Blu-ray Player, PlayStation, Set-Top-Box, and other devices. And to resolve this error on them as well, you have to follow the same instructions as restart the device, restart the home network, sign out of Netflix, improve wifi signal, verify your DNS settings, etc.

Hope you got rid of this Netflix Error Code UI-800-3 after following the above instructions. Christmas is near so we wish you a Merry Xmas. To make your Xmas season more colorful, watch Christmas movies on Netflix app. Subscribe us and stay connected to get latest updates.

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